Burbank California, December 1984. A strange package is delivered anonymously to the house of movie producer and UFO researcher Jamie Chandlery. The postmark on the manila envelope indicates that it was sent from Albuquerque, New Mexico, but no return address is written on the envelope. Inside is a roll of 35mm film. The film contains eight photographed pages of The Eisenhower briefing document. It was a memo that was allegedly written in 1952 by the first director of the CIA, Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter to president elect, Eisenhower.
The document states that the then president Harry Truman, had formed a secret group within the U.S government called the Majestic 12. Its purpose was to examine crashed extra-terrestrial space craft. The document states that these crashes apparently did occur, including the famous one at Roswell. This was to inform Eisenhower that the project was to continue as top secret into his term.
Aerospace engineer Dr Robert Wood (Rtd), was one of the men Chandlery asked to examine the memo for him.
Woods 43 year career included work on aerodynamic heating, ballistic missile defence, radar, and the space station. In his opinion, the document is real and is the smoking gun that proves that at least one alien craft crashed at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Wood examined the document on and off for several years, relating to other sources. The cross referencing and research seems to confirm that the document is genuine.
Roswell occurred during Truman’s first term in office, while Eisenhower was chief of staff of the army. On July 7th 1947 an unidentified craft was reported crashing just outside of the town of Roswell. The next day, the local newspaper reported it as a flying saucer, a statement that was confirmed by the military. Then, just a few hours after publication, they revised their statement, claiming the object was nothing more than a weather balloon. There were many people who saw the wreckage, including Captain Jesse Marcel, who later came forward to state that the object was no weather balloon. A man of his experience would know that anyway. Other witnesses in the neighbouring vicinity were visited by officials who warned them not to talk to anyone about the incident.
UFO researcher and journalist, Linda Moulton Howe remarks:
“Harry Truman is President of the United States. Along with Dwight D. Eisenhower and General Nathan Twining, these were the first people who would get these calls and there was some sort of communication glitch. That is how one headline made it out. That one headline was telling the truth, that this government did not want this information about non humans out to what their perceived enemies were. Harry Truman, a practical man in every way, looking at this whole situation, he must have said, I need help that I can trust.”
Douglas Caddy, author of Watergate Exposed adds:
“If you were President Truman in 1947, and you were presented with credible evidence that there was an alien presence on planet Earth, what would you do? You would create a commission to study what was going on and make recommendations and explore the subject. What did President Truman do? He created Majestic 12, the National Security act, The National Security Council and he created the CIA, all at the same time in response to this threat.”
Mike Bara, author of Ancient Aliens and Secret Societies also points out:
“The U.S government decided it needed to have a main central oversight committee that would handle the so-called alien problem. The mission of MJ-12 was to decide on what the U.S government policy should be towards aliens and extra-terrestrials, what it should be towards releasing the information, or keeping it a secret. They were empowered to ultimately decide everything regarding the presence of aliens on Earth.”
Also, detailed in a leaked documents is a page with the date of July 4th 1947 IPU. This was the date of the Roswell incident. IPU stands for Interplanetary Phenomena Unit. It is a directive to General Nathan Twining from the then chief of staff Eisenhower in the general chain of command.
Eisenhower instructs:
“You will proceed to the White Sands proving ground command centre without delay for the purpose of making an appraisal of the reported unidentified objects being kept there.”
Twining then documents himself what he saw at White Sands:
“Upon examination of the interior of the craft, a compartment exhibiting a possible atomic engine was discovered. At least this is the opinion of Dr Robert Oppenheimer.”
Dr J. Robert Oppenheimer is credited as being the father of the atomic bomb for his work on the Manhattan project.
Twining goes on:
“A possibility exists that part of the craft itself comprises the propulsion system, thus allowing the reactor to function as a heat exchanger and permitting the storage of energy into a substance for later use.”
Twining is describing in 1947, incredibly advanced technology, an advanced system along the lines of interdimensional travel, something we are not even close to achieving right now. This was the same week of the Roswell crash.
Eisenhower’s grand-daughter Laura, claims that the MJ-12 organisation was real, and that her grandfather had no choice but to continue what Truman had started.
“He was actually the scapegoat or somebody they could lay the blame at for the things that were happening. That was MJ-12, the shadow government. He wasn’t able to do anything about it. But the ones close to him knew that he was going to put this information out to the public. It got shut down. They even had a planned date but nothing ended up happening.”
In March 1994, nearly a decade after Chandlery received the mysterious document, researchers are shocked when a second roll of film surfaces. This time it is sent anonymously to a UFO group in Maryland from Quillins drugstore in Lacrosse, Wisconsin.
Linda Moulton Howe was one of the first to see the document in paper form that were then made into what the documents would have looked like assembled into a manual format. No one knows who took the original photographs. Much has already been debated over the authenticity of the manual entitled SOM1-01. But she is convinced that it is genuine.
Did the government uncover an alien presence in the 1940’s? Did they form a classified organisation to investigate this matter?
It is alleged that not only did they know about it, but that certain officials interacted with them.
The manual SOM1-01 is dated 1954 and has been scrutinised by many people, citing it as a forgery. But the content and protocol for that time does make sense, so do the Pentagon motifs check out with their use at the time. What makes this manual far more likely to be authentic though, is a raised letter ‘z’ found within some of the paragraphs.
Dr Robert Wood managed to track down an employee called McCarter who was printing in Washington DC in 1954. He took one look at the document and claimed it was done on a monotype. He used the machine himself. The letter ‘Z’ when used would collect dust, so when printed, it would appear slightly raised from all the other letters.
Wood states:
“McCarter had been a long time employee of the printers and worked on the kind of presses that were appropriate for this kind of document. Based on the printing, I would say it was clearly printed on one of the presses in the basement of the Pentagon in 1954.”
In that year of 1954, President Eisenhower supposedly met with extra- terrestrials in Palm Springs at Edwards Air Force base, otherwise known as Muroc. There is a lot of whistle blower testimony confirming his presence along with other high ranking officials, at that meeting. One of those officials was General Nathan Twining.
So, do these documents prove that not only did MJ-12 actually exist, but that they actioned the instructions in the manual for real and met with Extra-terrestrials?
Dr Robert Wood has more details to add:
“One of the more interesting members of MJ-12 was a Professor Donald Menzel who had written several books on the subject of UFO’s that had the general flavour of debunking the phenomena. I read one of the books and here’s a guy with a PHD in physics who is obviously ignoring the data. I’m highly confident that Donald Menzel was working in counter intelligence mode. He was intentionally trying to deceive the public that there was nothing to it at all. I personally met and shook hands with him. I deliberately avoided bringing up the UFO subject myself but he revealed that he knew perfectly well, we had recovered a number of crashed flying saucers.”
If members of MJ-12 did examine recovered alien craft and attempted to reverse engineer the technology discovered, how on Earth could they have kept such a secret from the public domain?
Perhaps further clues can be found by examining the death of the first allegedly appointed leader of MJ-12.
Bethesda Maryland, May 22nd 1949. James Forrestal, the first United States secretary of defence is found dead at the naval hospital. He reportedly fell out of a 16th story window after being committed for depression. His death was ruled a suicide but many have challenged this conclusion. They believe Forrestal was assassinated because he was threatening to go public with information he had acquired concerning an extra-terrestrial presence, here on Earth.
Forrestal was one of the most significant military figures in the history of the United states. He was secretary of the navy in world war two. After the war, he was appointed as the first secretary of defence. He visited all of the secret German facilities after the war ended. He went to Pennemunde, to Mittelwerk, and to the different places where the V2 rocket was developed. He also visited a so-called rubber plant where the Germans were supposed to be developing the very high technology super high physics weapons and air craft.
Some believe that Forrestal knew the Nazis has acquired extra- terrestrial technology. It is then alleged that Truman, appointed Forrestal so that he could investigate this by making him head of Majestic 12.
Was Forrestal silenced before he could reveal an alien presence on Earth?
If Mj-12 and the government of the time were intent on keeping certain sensitive subjects classified, it would seem that they would go to any extremes to make sure this was so.
John F Kennedy is mentioned in another scorched MJ-12 document rescued from a fire before it could be destroyed. Although badly damaged, most of the text could still be read.
The memo is from 1963 and headed Top Secret/MJ12 Central Intelligence Agency from director of central intelligence (MJ-1)
In 1963 Alan Dulles was the head of the CIA (and probably MJ-12 at the time). The memo goes on the state:
“You must know that Lancer has made some enquiries regarding our activities, which we cannot allow. Please submit your views no later than October”
lancer was the code name given to John F. Kennedy by the secret service and it would seem to document the head of the CIA going directly against his own president.
If this is genuine and the date is October of 1963, the president was dead a month after this document was issued.
Dr Robert Wood declares that this is the only document that he has ever heard anyone claim that gives authorisation to kill
John F Kennedy:
“The interest in the scorched memo is that if the president keeps doing what he is doing, that he may be a problem. It identifies a number of actions that could be taken, one of which, the last one, implies that if Washington does not respond to what they want done, it should be wet. This is the language the Soviets started to use for assassination because wet is associated with blood.”
Former Washington attorney Douglas Caddy was a close friend of E. Howard Hunt, who he represented when Hunt was found to be at the centre of the Watergate scandal in 1972. Hunt was an officer in the CIA when John F. Kennedy was president. Caddy asked Hunt about the assassination one night and got a shocking answer:
“The last time, I saw Howard Hunt was in 1975. He called me and said he would like to have dinner. When we had finished, we went out to the sidewalk. I thought that this could be the last time that I see Howard. I was moving away from Washington, so out of mild curiosity, I said to Howard, ìWhy was John Kennedy assassinated?î And he said John Kennedy was assassinated because he was about to give out most vital secret to the Soviet Union. I asked him what that could be?
He leaned forward, looked me in the eyes and said. Alien presence
He shook my hand and walked away.”
Those involved in the Majestic 12 must have taken drastic measures to keep its existence hidden from the public. But was it ever discontinued?
It is believed that the organisation is still very much in existence, although the letters and the numbers have probably been changed more than once over the years.
July 20th 1969: Armstrong and Aldrin land on the moon. This is officially the first landing, although there were countless rumours that there were secret missions before this.
In 2014, declassified documents revealed that the U.S had a secret project underway as far back as 1959, to not just reach the moon, but to also establish military bases by 1965.
Project Horizon was an idea to launch 140 rockets into low Earth orbit, assemble tubular containers together, soft land them on the moon and construct a permanent moon base. This would start with about 20 astronauts and would eventually be populated by hundreds. This would give us a permanent military presence on the moon.
Project Horizon was the brainchild of Werner von Braun. He was instrumental in the Apollo missions.
According to MJ-12 documents, Von Braun was one of the men who worked on reverse engineering the craft that crashed at Roswell.
He considered putting men on Mars as far back as the 1960’s and there are some that claim that there are bases there right now.
One of the first Mars projects was Solar warden. Corey Goode has come forward to claim that he was recruited to work on the project.
According to him, he was approached because of his Grandfathers connection with another project that took place around the time MJ-12 was allegedly formed. This was named project White Coat.
“Officially they were taking soldiers and experimenting on them with a virus. Well, it turns out that the government was working with genetics far before they we supposedly discovered them in the 1950’s. Genetics were being manipulated and delivered via viruses. My Grandfather happened to be one of these participants.
They were keeping an eye on my lineage because of this program and they brought me into this training program that would last from around the age of six to about seventeen years old. Then, I was officially drafted into Solar Warden.
Very soon after joining the space program, I was assigned to a research vessel doing communications. A sub program that I was part of at the beginning was called the intruder intercept and interrogation program. Different beings were living on our planet amongst us and the mandate was to capture these beings, interrogate them, and find out why they were here. The U.S secret space program, its roots actually go back to Nazi Germany. A lot of the scientists that we obtained in Operation Paperclip were in contact with a breakaway society that had already developed spacecraft. Currently there are dozens of nations involved. Some of the countries involved right now are places like Estonia, the Ukraine and of course we have the larger players, the United States, China, Germany and Russia. Britain is also a large player in the space program.”
It seems impossible to believe that a project so vast incorporating so many countries could remain a secret for so long. But when you consider that the Manhattan project was in operation for ten years, developing the nuclear bomb, using over 130,000 personnel and not one individual came forward with information on what they were working on. That proves an organisation or a government can keep a secret.
Corey Goode continues:
“When the secret space program began to travel to other bodies of our solar system, they began finding ancient structures. They quickly dubbed the ones that built these structures The Ancient Builder Race. What our astronauts were mainly finding were structures that had been destroyed a long time ago and these were very interesting. Some of them were floating off the ground and were mostly complete. Others were completely shattered.”
Just by looking at enhanced pictures that NASA have released in the public domain, structures like pyramids, bridges, stone heads and buildings appear on many images. These are explained away as tricks of the light or pareidolia (Like seeing a face within the clouds). There are many that believe NASA is suppressing these images by re-sizing them to distort the hidden structures.
So, could Corey Goode’s incredible claims be true? Is project Solar Warden the product of plans put in motion by the Majestic 12 decades ago to deal with an extra-terrestrial presence in our solar system?
London, March 19th 2002.
At 8am, the national hi-tech crime unit arrives at the home of Scottish systems administrator Gary McKinnon.
They are there to arrest him on behalf of the U.S justice department and NASA. For the past year, McKinnon has been hacking into top secret Pentagon and NASA computers. What he uncovered were files that he claims could provide undeniable proof that Majestic 12 and the secret space program it gave rise to, truly exist.
“Among the things I found was an excel spreadsheet entitled non terrestrial officers, which I took to be a space code fleet made up of human personnel. It listed names that I could not find on the internet at the time. There was also a list of ships. I googled the ship names, there were no matches, so I knew they were not ocean going vessels.”
Interestingly, some of the ships were named after people allegedly involved in the Majestic 12. If there was a secret space program and it has anything to do with back engineering spacecraft, some of those MJ-12 people are exactly the ones you would expect to be name checked in this way.
According to McKinnon, the most shocking file he came across, was on a computer at NASA’s Johnson space centre. Within a folder labelled ‘unfiltered’, he spotted a thumbnail of a high resolution image of a NASA satalitte photo which appeared to depict an unusual spacecraft.
“I double clicked on this image and it was coming down really slowly.I could see this tubular, classic cigar shaped UFO with these geodisic domes, like half a golf ball stuck on top and underneath. Im just amazed because I had found real evidence of what I thought was a UFO, although it could have been a secret space ship, who knows. But there it was coming down in front of my screen. Then suddenly I saw the mouse move across the screen, right click the icon and choose disconnect. I lost the chance to fully transfer the photo to my machine. It was a eureka moment but also a, oh they got me!”
Did he discover an alien craft or one of our own secret space program craft?
Dr Robert Wood:
The secret of MJ-12, in my opinion, has permitted us to spend a huge amount of money, trillions of dollars. My most recent conclusion is that some of the money has been used to take the technology we have discovered and build gravity controlled devices that we would see sometimes as UFO’s. So if you you look in the sky now, it is a fifty-fifty chance that it is one of ours up there.
Acording to Corey Goode, what McKinnon discovered in the top secret Pentagon NASA files, is in line with his own experiences.
“Gary ended up being the first person to uncover tangible proof of these programs through his hacking. Interestingly enough, the information he obtained are the different types of spacecraft, the non terrestrial officers and fleet to fleet transfers. All of this perfectly coincided with Project Solar Warden.”
Corey claims that the MJ-12 documents from the 1950’s which revealed that interactions were taking place between government officials and numerous alien species are accurate as well.
“Currently, in the secret space programs, we have been dealing with approximately sixty different non terrestrial groups that have come here. And some of thses groups are interacting with the governments of the world right now.”