Thousands of people have claimed to have come into contact with strange beings that have become known as the ‘Greys’. The common description is of a small humaniod, about four feet tall with an oversized head above a grey spindly hairless body. These creatures have small noses or none at all, slits for mouths, no ears and no visible reproductive organs. They have very distinctive eyes shaped like almonds and black in colour.
What can these people all be seeing?
Many ufologists claim the greys have been visiting the Earth for thousands of years.They point towards evidence such as petroglyphs, cave drawings and prehistoric artwork.
There are also many ancient accounts of beings coming to Earth, star beings described by the American Hopi indians, the Mayans, Azteks, and all around the world, there are accounts of Gods visiting ancient man.
Six thousand year old artefacts have been uncovered in Sumer, what is now part of modern day Iraq. Interpreters of the carvings say they depict servants and helpers of their God. Many of the figural relics do resemble strange beings similar to the greys.
It was in the 20th century that the greys agenda began to establish itself. There appears to have been an obvious and consistant increase in encounters with the greys. One of the most surprising claims made is that during world war two, The Nazis were in contact with the greys. When questioned after the war some officers alleged that they were given alien technology.
Since that period, thousands of people have reported encounters with the greys.
Jim Marrs cites:
“The number reported, the quality of the reports, the similarity of the accounts and the fact that many of these reports can be substantiated under hypnosis. lends very compelling strength to the idea that this is a very real phenomenon. Something real is happening to these people.”
No official record for these abductions or encounters exists. However the national UFO reporting centre in Seattle, keeps an official tally of American UFO sightings. Their statistics show that the number of sightings has increased from a handful each year in the early part of the 20th century to dozens by the mid 20th century to thousands each year in the 21st century.
It is believed the greys first made contact through a much debated crash in 1947.
A rancher called Mack Brazel came into the town of Roswell and told an account to the local press, that he had found some strange debris on his land. From that point on, a very detailed account from a large number of witnesses state that they saw the wreckage first hand with some claiming to have seen alien bodies, even possible survivors of the crash.
The military who at first did confirm the crash to have been caused by a flying saucer, changed their story in amatter of hours claiming the cause to be nothing more than a weather balloon. Many people including military personnel have come forward since to categorically dismiss those claims. The fact that so many people from all professions could be mistaken is frankly laughable.
Something crashed outside of Roswell in the summer of 1947 and it was certainly no weather balloon
There are also countless claims that the remains from the crash are held to this day on one of the American air bases.
From that point on, advocates claim that heavy protocol was put in place by the U.S government. There is the utmost secrecy around this subject and other related incidents. Officials flatly deny that a UFO crashed in the New Mexico desert. But the rumours just wont die.
Jim Marrs.
“There are now over 400 individuals on public record who said ‘I was there’, I picked up pieces of wreckage, I saw a craft, I saw bodies. So, Roswell is simply a question of belief. Who do you choose to believe?, the 400 witnesses.”
Fact or fiction, UFO sightings increased dramatically after the Roswell incident. But it was not until the 1960’s that people began to come forward with abduction claims.
In 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were returning from Montreal, Canada in their car. Betty takes up the story.
“My husband and I were travelling down through the white mountains near Portsmouth when we suddenly saw what we thought was a star in the sky. As we watched this, it changed direction and came towards us.”
Barney pulled over, grabbed a pair of binoculars and got out of the car to get a better view of the object. Through the binoculars he could see the leader, or what he called the leader and other crew members. They were looking right down at him.
Betty Hill.
“And as he watched it, it began to descend. At this point he became frightened and ran back to the car yelling that they were trying to capture us”
The Hills sped off, but soon after they could hear a buzzing sound. They turned into a logging road and Barney stopped the car.There was a road block and people in the road. The people approached the car and the Hills realised ast this point, they were not human, that they were the same as the beings Barney had seen in the UFO. This is when their memories lapsed. The next thing that they fully consciously remembered was driving down the highway again and they proceeded home.
When the Hills noticed the time, they realised that two hours had elapsed that neither of them could account for.
For nearly two years, the Hills had troubling nightmares. They went to several specialists and were eventuallly referred to Dr Benjamin Simon, a Boston psychiatrist and neurologist with an extensive background in hypnotic therapy.
Betty Hill.
“Dr Simon told us that those UFO people had caused us to have amnesia and he removed the amnesia so that we could remember clearly all of what had happened. They took us onboard the craft, their craft and we were taken into separate rooms. They were very human looking. They had two arms and two legs. The only difference basically were the facial features. The noses were very small, almost no nose, small lips. They examined my eyes, ears, nose, throat, skin, hair and all. I was put on a table where they scraped my skin in an attempt to find out if our skin was alike or different.”
Betty Hill says that the alien conducted sexual experiments on them. They took samples from Barney. Betty may have had eggs extracted. She continues.
“They tried to insert a needle like istrument in my naval, which caused pain, so he stopped doing it and I was grateful for that.”
Years later, Betty Hill produced the first alleged eye witness depiction of the greys since ancient times. She protrayed the alien leader who had shown her a tantalising clue as to where he came from. The drawing does resemble a typical grey being recounted by many witnesses.
“I asked him where he was from and he showed me a star map.”
In a hypnotherapy session a few years after the incident, Betty drew a map of the alien star system. At the time, the experts could not identify it. Then in 1966, Marjorie Fish, an enterprising ufologist and amateur astronomer became fascinated by Betty Hills star map. Fish spent the next seven years examining the map and constructing models trying to match it to a known star system. It was only later when a new star was discovered that they found exactly what Betty had drawn.
In 1973, after reviewing 23 star models, Marjorie Fish claimed to have found a match. She declared that Betty had drawn a star system some 40 light years from Earth, Zeta Reticuli.
At the Californian Institute for technology, Dr Charles Beichman, one of the worldís foremost astronomers, examines Zeta Reticuli.
“We have no way to possibly travel that far. We donít have any way for a solid vehicle to go that sort of distance. But broadly speaking within the scale of the galaxy, it is very nearby.”
In a conventional Earth based space shuttle, it would take nearly 1.5 million years to reach Zeta Reticuli. Dr Beichman is also a leading member of NASAís origin program. Their mission is to probe space for signs of life. He concedes that life may be possible on Zeta Reticuli.
“Here we are looking at the two stars in the Zeta Reticulan system about 40 light years away. The binary stars could well have planets around stars like this. The system is old enough and in fact, you could have stable life having evolved on any habitable planets in those systems. Again prospects good, but what do we know today? Nothing.”
With just tantalising evidence and no substantive proof that the greys actually come from Zeta Reticuli, Betty Hills case continues to be hotly debated. However, sceptics and believers agree, since that night in September 1961, thousands of alien abductions have been reported.
In 1969, details of Project Blue Book concluded that there was no direct threat to the United States from UFOís. The sightings were a form of mass hysteria or war nerves, publicity seekers, psycho pathological persons and the mis-identification of various conventional objects.
With that, the U.S air force declared the case closed. However ufologists scoffed at Project Blue Books conclusions. Many believe that the U.S government has been involved in a cover up of cosmic proportions ever since the Roswell incident. That is an understatement.
Richard Dolan.
“Blue Book was nothing more than a PR effort by the air force to explain away unknown phenomena.”
Jim Marrs adds:
“I think early on in the forties and fifties when the American government began to learn that UFOís and extra-terrestrials were probably a reality, I think it scared them to death because they feared public panic and disruption of the social and religious systems. Also they were loath to admit that they could not control the skies of their nation.”
“Try as they might to de-bunk UFOís, again and again between the fifties and sixties, whoever was operating these UFOís did not appear to read the USAF reports because they kept showing up.”
Ufologists argue that Project Blue Book cannot account for a large number of cases. Out of the 12,618 reports filed, 701 of them, remain unexplained.
One of the most intriguing unsolved cases took place at the Holoman air force base in 1964. According to the account, an alien spaceship landed at the base, several greys emerged and were greeted by U.S military personnel.
“It is something that we cannot confirm. However the rumour of this came out immediately. An airman at the base went into the local town and started talking about this. According to accounts, he was highly distressed, very upset and didnít know what to do. One thing that can be confirmed is that he was never seen again.”
In 1984, two mysterious film canisters appeared, serving to perpetuate the claims of conspiracy theorists.
Robert Wood.
“In 1984, Jamie Shandera received this package in the mail, which was undeveloped film. Another set was given to a man called Bill Moore. He in turn released the contents to the world, an eight page memo signed by Harry Truman.”
Known as the Majestic 12 documents, they suggested that on the 9th of July 1947, United States president Harry H Truman had authorised twelve high ranking military and national security personnel to conduct a covert mission. It was a top secret research and development intelligence operation responsible directly and only to the U.S president.
Robert Wood.
“A large number of documents that I have been able to accumulate, very clearly show that we have a covert program to keep from the public, the recovery of a large number of crashes that include the recovery of extra-terrestrials. The MJ-12 documents detail four types of spacecraft. They included disc, cigar, circular and triangular shaped craft. But most intruiging of all, within the pages of the document, there is for the first time in history, acknowledgement of alien beings that are known as the greys. In these official looking papers, they are called extra-terrestrial biological entities or EBE’s. There was a special ops manual called Extra Terrestrial Entities and Technology Recovery and Disposal. In that manual was a one page description of two different types of EBE’s. Type one is said to be humanoid and might be mistaken for a human being. They are bipedal five to five feet four inches in height and weigh 80 to 100 pounds. Cranium is somewhat larger and more rounded. The eyes are small, wide set and almond shaped. EBE type two is said to be 3 feet five inches to four feet two inches in height and weighs 25 to 50 pounds.
Sceptics claim however, that the MJ-12 documents are an elaborate hoax, dummied up documents using an old typewriter,finding a genuine signature off a genuine Truman document and by cutting and pasting,then re photocopying, producing something that is in some eyes, an obvious fake.
It is true that there are a lot of fake documents doing the rounds on social media along with many fake photographs.
Richard Dolan.
“If these are faked, it is what you would call an inside job and that is a government job, someone who had access to information that was restricted at the very least.”
More mysterious papers emerged in the 1980’s with additional information about the greys.
The Dulce papers were perhaps the most sensational. Released in 1987, they alleged that the U.S government was in collusion with the greys in exchange for advanced technology. These unsubstantiated documents claimed that there was an underground facility somewhere in the New Mexico desert, where the greys were secretly inacting their agenda. Thoses that subscribe to these claims associate the greys with a huge abduction operation that includes pregnant young women. They go on to accuse the greys of removing babies for a hybrid breeding program.
Dr Bruce Goldberg, hypnotherapist.
“They are using us in a breeding program because they have fertility problems. We don’t know how they reproduce. Foetuses are removed from the women within the first three months.The pregnancy just terminates. There is no bleeding, there is no spontaneous abortion, all of a sudden it stops. These foetuses are kept by the greys in tanks filled with fluid and somehow raised to be adult.”
The release of these documents coupled with sightings, fueled the public’s appetite for more information. People aware of these developments looked to the skies for signs of UFO’s and beings from another planet.
“There is no question that the UFO research field exploded during the 1980’s and it is an amazing phenomena. You have for the first time, widespread discussion of abductions. The UFO phenomenon became part of world culture at the time.”
Some say the term ‘grey’came about in the eighties to describe the beings that were abducting humans and conducting reproductive experiments. But could they actually exist, or are they just a product of popular culture?
“The question arises, what happened and to what extent does life imitate art or the reverse? It is hard to unsort some of this mess. It is my belief that there is a true core of reality to the UFO phenomena.”
“Ufologists insist that the Earth could be in the midst of a diabolical invasion. As the 21st century unfolds, the number of abductions is rising according to members of the UFO community. There is no way to verify these numbers although one unofficial pole conducted by the Roper organisation, puts the number of abductions at 4 million.
Eyewitness accounts are the primary source for all of the information on these strange events. They report some commonalities that might reveal the true nature of this agenda.
Donna Thomas Lee, abductee.
“There is always a light that comes from nowhere. It’s either like an amber or a blue. they make you immobile and they put you in a comatose state.”
Will Bueche, abductee.
“I’ve had occasions when I have been able to communicate to some extent which is a mixture of them speaking in a sense that seems to be telepathic and you find yourself for lack of a better word, in an alien environment where there is lots of light. Everything is almost poetic. That is the word to describe the environment because it feels very surreal.”
Abductees say that once on board, the greys perform medical examinations which some describe as being extremely painful.
Bueche continues.
“There were experiences which to me suggested that there was a biological reproductive element of my experiences. I’m not ashamed to report that.”
If the greys are actually here, what is their real agenda?
Hypnotherapist and self-proclaimed alien hunter Derrel Simms, has been studying the abduction phenomenon for more than thirty years. He believes that he has uncovered the greys true mission. Simms specialises in recovering repressed truamatic memories from people who claim to have been abducted by extra-terrestrials.
“One of the things you would do in the beginning with these people is to relax them completely. the sound of my voice will comfort, protect and relax you completely.”
One of his clients, Donna Thomas Lee is now the president of the Houston UFO network. She believes that she has been abducted many times by the greys. In the course of hypnotherapy sessions with Derrel Simms, she has recalled numerous terrifying encounters. She even believes the greys took her unborn child. She states.
“I never had anything involved that would give me a miscarriage. I was about eight weeks pregnant, then it was just gone. I did not have the bleeding that is involved, nothing.”
In a later regression session, Lee recalls being in a brightly lit, sterile room.
“They bought a young girl into the room and left her with me. She was what I would consider a hybrid, although she looked a lot like me. her hair was generally bad though. She was about the age that my child would have been at that point, about nine years old. She sat there. I had that realisation in that moment when they left me there with her and she looked at me, like I know you, and it was an overwhelming sadness. For a while I would still recall longing for that again.”
To many experts, accounts of alien abductions are a product of an over active mind. they say that under hypnosis subjects are open to suggestion. This is true should a therapist lead a client in a certain direction.
In the case of abduction and close encounters, there would have to be a worldwide collaboration of hypnotherapists all steering their clients on the same subject and agenda. This is simply unrealistic. Also there are numerous confirmed pregnancies by the medical profession with ultra-scan proving they are real pregnancies only for them to be terminated without any physical evidence that they were pregnant in the first place. No hypnotherapist could do that.
Donna Thomas Lee.
“They come without permission, they touch your body, they take your children.”
Clayton Lee, abductee.
“You want to scream, my mouth is open, and nothing comes out. Its paralysis, but walking paralysis.”
If the greys do exist as many claim, where do they come from? If not Zeta Reticuli then where?
Dr Charles Beichman.
“That is the 2500 year old question that goes back to the ancient Greeks who asked is there life beyond the Earth?. Now we are bringing the tools of 21st century science and technology to answer this. There ought to be one, ten, a hundred or a million intelligent civilisations out there for us to be talking with.”
Many scientists are adament the grey aliens appear to some people as they come out of sleep paralysis. There is no purpose for coming to Earth, they dont have one and they are just hallucinations.
That must include the numerous witnesses that have close encounters with beings strikingly similar to the description of the greys in broad daylight, when they are wide awake and totally coherant. Are these hallucinations too?