Are there unnatural structures on the Moon?
Photographic evidence strongly suggests that there are intelligently created buildings on the Moon’s surface.
The Moon is 220,000 miles from Earth. Even the best telescopes could not detect what a man could standing directly on the surface.
Orbiting probes that have been sent to the Moon would definitely capture these structures. But that would be assuming that NASA would allow the public to see these images. Could this be another cover-up where images are deliberately being re-sized to disguise image quality? To some, this may seem far-fetched until you examine a host of accounts and photographic evidence.
In 1969, man landed on the Moon. It was a huge moment in world history, acknowledged by the human race. Suddenly, science fiction had become a reality. We had become extra-terrestrials.
After Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins landed on the Moon, there was a two minute gap in communications. There has been a lot of controversy surrounding what happened during this time period.
Various ham radio enthusiasts were able to intercept communications with mission control. As a point of fact, none of the transcripts have ever been made public.
It is claimed within the two minute period, that the astronauts spoke about seeing strange objects and even strange craft parked along a crater in the distance.
Within 30 minutes of landing on the Moon, a story was circulating around NASA that the astronauts has seen strange craft. The men were upset, they did not know what to do and whether they should even venture out onto the Moon’s surface.
Each astronaut had a separate medical channel that could be used without the public hearing. It has been suggested that during the two minute ‘silence’, mission control ordered certain subject matter to be censored. There are also accounts of flashing and glowing lights being seen around the Moon. Aldrin asked the others for their opinion as they were returning home. Armstrong admitted to observing over a hundred of these light incidents but suggested they let someone else worry about them. Collins said that he had not seen any of the lights. Aldrin found this quite strange.
At the press conference, the three men appeared subdued and quite disturbed by the whole experience.
They should have all been euphoric and excited after what they had achieved. Instead they all looked very uncomfortable in front of the cameras.
After Apollo 11, man would send six more missions to the Moon, the last being Apollo 17 in 1972. Then the program stopped abruptly. The Russians, who were more than capable of sending their own men to the Moon, chose not to do so for some unknown reason.
Could they have been warned off? Is that really possible?
It is conceivable that the astronauts were not alone on the Moon and that was a good reason that they did not go back.
Apollo 17 was a technology salvaging mission. Some of it has to do with the landing site itself. There were several mountains in the area that do not really look like mountains. One of them is very hexagonal looking, bearing a striking resemblance to an artificial structure. The astronauts went directly for the hexagonal mountain and parked on a hill above it and got out of the lunar rover. For the next 20 to 30 minutes, NASA took control of the camera on the rover. They pointed it at everything other than what the astronauts were actually doing. They had plenty of time to repel down inside the V shaped depression down from the hill. We do not see the astronauts at all until they come back to the rover. What did the astronauts find that NASA did not want us to see?
Stranger still than the hexagonal formation, is what appears at another spot filmed at the Shorty Crater. The astronauts can clearly be heard excitedly declaring that there is orange coloured soil everywhere. This is a sign of high oxygen content. But there is an even bigger surprise within the crater.
Mike Bara and fellow researcher Richard Hoagland obtained early generation negatives of the Shorty Crater and upon enhancing suspected anomalous images on the film, found some very strange objects. There appears to be a series of mechanisms scattered around the area and right in the middle of these appears to be a humanoid head. The object glowed and shone as if it was metallic. On the upper part of the mouth, there was a bright distinct red stripe painted across it.
For all intents and purposes, this looks like a robot head with other components scattered nearby.
Has NASA recovered alien artefacts from the Moon and are withholding the information from the public?
Scientists cannot say for sure, how the Moon came into being. All conventional theories do not make sense.
The Moon has a strange orbit that does not rotate, so we only see one side all of the time. This is down to its size combined with its close proximity to the Earth. The Moon has a synchronous rotation that gives it a type of orbit that is phase locked.
It is one quarter the size of our planet and takes 30 days to go around the Earth. The Moon is responsible for seasons and sea tides. It also helps to stabilise the Earths tilt relative to its orbit. Without the Moon, the poles would become unstable.
The Moon has no breathable atmosphere. It also has extremes of temperature of 120 Fahrenheit near the sun and -100 Fahrenheit in the shade. It has one sixth of the Earth’s gravity.
One theory of how the Moon was created is that long ago, the Earth was struck by another celestial body, possibly the size of Mars which became the Earth’s core, splintering part of the planet away to create the Moon.
But the odds that the Moon could then form a perfect orbit around the Earth at a perfect distance are questionable.
In simple terms, The Sun is 400 times greater in size than the Moon and is also 400 times further away. This is the reason why both celestial bodies appear to be the same size in the sky and why we experience eclipses of the sun. The odds of the Moon being in that exact position to within a mile either way are a zillion to one.
The Moon’s relationship with the Earth is unique within our solar system. No other moons perform the function to their respective planets like ours does.
There are rumours within the scientific community that the perfect position of the Moon is no coincidence.
There are accounts from Greek, Hebrew and Roman authors of a time before the Moon existed. Zulu legends speak of the Moon being brought here hundreds of generations ago. This celestial body is indeed a mysterious place.
The Moon’s surface is covered in impact craters. Because of a lack of atmosphere, the surface is vulnerable to such bodies as meteorites striking the Moon at regular intervals. But the craters are all quite shallow and should have much more variation in depth. This could be caused by an inner layer that is limiting the damage. This leads to a theory that the Moon could be hollow. This is widely dismissed though,by a large part of the scientific community.
In 1969, during the ascent back to the command module, Apollo 12 crashed their launch vehicle back onto the Moon’s surface near to where the astronauts had placed a seismograph. This was a deliberate act to allow mission control to read the vibrations made by the impact. This would give a clue to the density. Quite unexpectedly, the Moon began to ring like a bell and continued to do so for an hour.
On the Apollo 13 mission, it was decided to drop an even bigger payload onto the Moon to see how it would react. After performing the same procedure as Apollo 12, the Moon rang like a gong for nearly three hours and to a depth of over twenty miles. This still puzzles scientists to this day and was completely unexpected.
This does infer strongly that the Moon is hollow.
The surface of the Moon is made up predominantly of basalt. Although it is fairly light, basalt absorbs impact extremely well and should not react to the Apollo experiments in this way. If the Moon is hollow, it contradicts what we know about physics.
Renowned scientist Carl Sagen suggested that a natural satellite cannot be a hollow object. Based upon that conclusion, the Moon must be artificial at least in some part.
If this is true, who would have the capability to do this? Certainly not us!
Could we dare to consider that the Moon was put there deliberately?
It is outrageous to consider this line of theory but in 1970, two Russian scientists, Vasin and Shcherbakov published their findings on information gathered from the Moon missions. The paper was entitled:
Is The Moon The Creation Of Intelligence?
One section of the report states, the Moon is an artificial satellite put into orbit around the Earth by some intelligent race unknown to ourselves. It was brought here in the remote past.
The two physicists based their ideas on, that the Moon was hollow. No moon can exist with this composition, so has to be artificial.
This article was very controversial at the time and is still met with much scepticism in the scientific world today.
Based upon the depth of the impact craters and the fact that some of them are convex, the two men also proposed that the Moon’s surface was only two and a half miles thick. Results from the lunar missions when analysed determined that moon dust was compiled of chromium, titanium and zirconium. These are the perfect properties to choose to help to protect the surface of the Moon from impact.
Based upon extensive mathematical calculations, the two scientists who at the time, faced ridicule and expulsion from their respective university placements must have been convinced of their findings. Although outlandish, their results do make sense.
Since the Vasin and Shcherbakov document, several other prominent scientists have come out in support of this theory. There have been numerous other publications on the same subject.
The mineral and metallic content of the Moon is like nothing that we have here on the Earth and the age of the Moon seems to be greater than that of our solar system.
So was the Moon transported here from somewhere else? Could it be here to monitor our planet?
In November 1966, the Orbiter 2 space craft took a series of high resolution images of the surface of the Moon, looking for suitable landing sites for the forthcoming Apollo missions. One image, when studied, revealed a series of pointed spires in the Sea Of Tranquillity. The structures look very much like obelisks. There are eight of them in all, the tallest, calculated as being fifteen storeys high. The spires are extremely tall to be naturally occurring. The Moon has been bombarded by meteoric rain for 4.5 billion years. There is no way they could have survived unless they were constructed intelligently.
The inference was that when Apollo 11 landed in the Sea Of Tranquillity, the crew were to gain more information on these structures.
As Apollo 11 descended to the Moon’s surface, a computer alarm sounded as it was temporarily overwhelmed with information. Aldrin had turned on radar below the craft but also additional ones to the sides. The side radar is strange because there should be no large objects to worry about colliding with. So maybe there are tall structures up on the Moon after all.
In 1960, a report was produced that proposed, if the missions to the Moon did discover evidence of alien life, that the information would be suppressed from the general public for fear of civil unrest. This reason has been mentioned numerous times before in other sensitive documents.
Photographs of the Moon’s surface have been examined in great detail by several experts and some strange anomalies have been detected. NASA scientists are quick to dismiss these opinions.
Along with the mysterious structures are intermittent lights, observed on many occasions including during the Apollo 11 mission.
Astronomer Francis Bailey documented these lights way back in 1835. NASA did disclose these lights in their own transient anomalies catalogue, showing lights moving around, puffs of smoke and variable anomalies that do not make sense.
So there would seem to be unidentified activity on the Moon, and what is on the far side of the Moon that we never see? Hypothetically, the far side of the Moon would be an ideal place to operate unseen from the Earth. Whistle-blowers have described being taken to a base called Lunar Operations Command, part of a network of bases, some run by humans, others by extra-terrestrials. Could it be that there are active bases there? It does seem quite a stretch even from a conspiracy viewpoint.
The 2018 space mission by the Chinese to the far side of the Moon will surely clear all of the unanswered questions up.
Chang’e-3 lander will send back all of the images for public discression will it not? Will we ever get to see them all? We will have to wait and see.