What is the fascination with space?, the drive to go there, even though we are not suited to do so?
At present, it takes 150 days to reach Mars. This is humanly possible. But how do we get back. That is a far more complex issue.
Mars has 38% of the gravity of the Earth, with extremes of temperature. On the equator during the day, Mars can be as warm as 70 degrees F, but at night, the temperature can plunge to as much as -100 degrees F. The atmosphere is about 1% of the Earth, there is no breathable oxygen and a high presence of radiation. A Martian day is 24 hours and 39 minutes and a year is actually two years because its orbit is twice the size of the Earth.
Because of the proximity to the sun, greenhouses constructed on Mars would be functional. Using a close match to the soil samples collected on Mars, various seeds did germinate, so there is no question that despite the hostile conditions, growing produce on Mars is plausible. So in broad terms, you could feed a colony from greenhouses on Mars.
In addition to the greenhouses, parts of the surface of Mars would have to be made less environmentally hostile. A way of doing this would be to create greenhouse gases from water, which could be made by heating up the ice from one of the polar regions. At present though, the technology to do this is about 300 years away. The future may also allow us to genetically alter organisms on Mars for better survival. Yes, it is highly likely that there is life on Mars. There is enough water for primitive micro-organisms to exist.
In 1996, a Martian meteorite recovered from Antarctica revealed evidence of past microbial life. Over years of study, other meteorites from Mars have returned the same results. Some scientists suggest that life on Earth could even have been seeded in this way.
Many scientists refer to Mars as the cradle of life. They indicate to elements such as Boron and Molybdenum that are far more plentiful on the red planet making life much more likely in the distant past. A seeding from Mars could make this a distinct possibility.
Man is capable of adapting to his conditions. Humans born on Mars would no doubt evolve differently over time. They will weigh less and grow taller due to the atmosphere. Their heads would grow bigger too, along with the eyes to cope with the poor light conditions.
Many believe that there once was a civilisation on Mars. There is a great deal of evidence to support this. If this was true, what happened?
Spanning 2500 miles across the Mars equator is a huge gash in the crust called the Valis Marinaris. It is over four times the depth of the Grand Canyon. But unlike the Grand canyon, the Valis Marinaris was not formed by water erosion. It appears to have been carved out by some sort of massive electrical charge that did not occur naturally. Experiments on a small scale have produced the same damaged effect. There is also a tremendous spike of xenon 29 in the Mars atmosphere indicating a nuclear explosion in the past. The global debris pattern of radiation from two hotspots at the North, extend all the way around the planet. This area is covered in pieces of glass, strong evidence that the glass was formed as a result of a nuclear explosion.
Photographic evidence of the surface of Mars reveals other mysteries.
Mars rover images sent back to Earth, appear to show a humanoid statue, a Buddha, a sarcophagus and a large cross. Are these the relic from a lost civilisation? Many strange objects have been photographed since the Viking probe first went to mars in 1979. NASA explains these images away as pareidolia, which is like seeing shapes in clouds.
Joseph White is a satellite imagery expert. He claims that the probe images from the various missions are taken at fairly close range that should produce good detailing. He accuses NASA of resizing images down to lose the detailing. But someone of his expertise can enhance the contrast and sharpen the imagery of these strange objects. One example of his work uncovered a massive stone head. Strangely, this head resembles a design typically found in central and South America. There seem to be ruins scattered all over Mars with counter parts on Earth, such as pyramids, a sphinx, and stone circles.
Around the area of Cydonia, there are many objects in a region nicknamed ‘The City’. This is where the famous face of Mars is located, along with a massive pyramid and a smaller group that just happen to match the star constellation of Pleiades exactly. There are also ancient monuments on Earth that have accurate astronomical alignments.
The Mars curiosity was the most advanced rover that could turn cameras onto itself for examination and repairs. One of the images sent back to mission control appears to show the shadow of someone working on the rover. NASA knows so much more than they are telling us. A female ex-employee of NASA claimed that the rovers had sent back images that had been suppressed of humans walking around on Mars. Her account when examined was found to be very detailed and authentic.
There have always been rumours of an off grid space program, a black ops program where trillions of dollars have disappeared without explanation.
Conspiracy theories are never far away from space missions and many have no real credibility. But there is a trail of strange detail that does throw weight behind the argument that the Missions to Mars have been sanitised.
Scottish Hacker Gary McKennan gained access to NASA’s database. Rather embarrassingly for them, he discovered a file that contained a list described as non-terrestrial officers in the military that were actually working in space. This is not proof that they were ever on Mars but does point towards a secret space program that we do not know about.
Some believe a mission to Mars was perceived even before man set foot on the Moon in 1969.
Werner von Braun who was instrumental in the United States space program and the Apollo missions, produced a document in 1948 called ‘The Mars Project’, a 91 page manual on how to put man on Mars. It has all the formulae laid out for home and transfer calculations. He projected that man could be on Mars by 1965. Everything within the manual is still valid today.
Could we have already gone to Mars? Just supposing this is true, how could the government keep this a secret from the general public? The Manhattan project employed around 140,000 personnel, working on the development of the nuclear bomb. The project was led by the United States, with the support of Canada and the United Kingdom over a period of six years. Not one person revealed what they were doing. This was secured in part by the fact that many were unaware what they were working on until the bomb was detonated.
So, it would in theory, be possible to keep an off grid Mars project a secret from the public.
Von Braun could have been orchestrating a Mars project by perhaps using the Apollo missions as a convenient distraction. It is possible that there was some kind of highly classified mission that we may never get to know about.
If this is true, what could the reason be for a cover up?
In Torrance, California 2015, Elon Musk announced the ambitious planned mission by Spacex to colonise Mars. It will be interesting to see how this develops alongside NASA’s own planned intentions.
Spacex is developing a system called ‘the big falcon rocket’ and hopes to reach Mars by 2022. They claim they can do this for as little as 300 million dollars.
Spacex, primarily view themselves as a transportation company so would need outside help with colonisation technology.
It remains to be seen if NASA agrees to a joint mission, or a will they deter Spacex from going anywhere near Mars? With the high probability that the Earth will eventually be struck by one of the large asteroids or comets that are in abundance out in space, a catastrophe will inevitably befall us. On top of this, a man-made disaster is also highly likely in the future to spell the end for our planet. Perhaps mars met with a similar fate long ago, but could now become a viable destination to ensure the survival of the human race.